Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a good laugh every once in every while

Ever been in a bad mood. or you were depressed and someone made you laugh and smile?
 Just by hearing their voice;makes you want to smile!? Then you realize its the simple things he does that makes me smile.

 Its crazy because last night i was in a depressing kinda mood... and When he started texting me, Its like everything went away like my depressing mood. and just everything.. Then finally when he called me last night: He has the most countryiest (prolly not a word) voice,The sweetest laugh its just  crazy. Its like he finally gets me.. And no im not in love with him. its just nice to  laugh every-once in a while .. you know what i mean?

Well better get something to lunch! 
bye everyone and thanks for reading !


  1. "Better get something to lunch", I know the feeling of it all. Keep it up!

  2. Aww! thanks !!! keep follwing!! miss you
